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Monday, December 2, 2019

Wish I Could - Reflection1st Sunday of Advent

The closing verse from the Old Testament scripture reading from the prophet Isaiah is this Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!” And from St. Pauls letter to the Romans, Let us then throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
I remembered these scriptures as my ministry took a different path this week. I was asked to give the invocation at the Christmas party for the Wish I Could of Northeast Louisiana Foundations.”
The organization grants wishes to terminally ill children from the ages of three to eighteen years old in northeast Louisiana. It is believe to be the only childrens wish granting organization in Louisiana, north of Baton Rouge.
A dear friend and member of our Church family, Don OToole, has organized and acted as master of ceremonies for this Christmas Party for the Wish I Could family for over 32 years.
He shared with me that one time he was challenged that if these were terminally ill children, why did so few die every year. His answer was, a lot of prayers.
Sadly they do loose children to the illness that they fight. But prayer is a powerful ally. In fact, this past year was the first year that no children lost the battle with the diseases they fight.
I saw no sadness or despair in the volunteers, families, or children. I did see smiles and hugs and good time. I saw Christs love in the many different people who came to give them a happy day.
And at the beginning of the party, we began with a prayer. Here is my prayer and blessing for them-
Lord God Creator of All, as the Make a Wish Community comes together look down with favor and spread the blessing of Your Love over all. 
Bless these children, their families, and those who give from their hearts and love to bring wonders, miracles, and happiness.
Thank you for the grace and hope that brings smiles and happiness every day in the gift that are these precious children.
Thank you for the blessing of being created one human family. These children are our children. We are all brothers and sisters: may all peoples realize this to bring about a better world and future for our children.
Thank you for the fragile gift that is life. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Help us to entrust our life to You: the past to Your mercy, the present to Your love, and the future to Your providence.
Bless us with a life of charity, love, and joy found in sharing with others.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for being with us in our joy and being our comfort in sadness. Watch over us in the coming year to return again a whole community.
Bless the Make a Wish Community may their love shared be triumphant. May we live this and every day conscious of all we have been given. 
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
This Christmas Party was a great way to begin advent. It is a way to begin to climb the LORDs mountain. Remember,  “be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come."
If you would like to support the Wish I Could of Northeast Louisiana Foundations you can find the website here:
Don told me I should have ended my prayer the way I end my homilies and reflections. I told him they were living the example. But, for the rest of us: Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

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