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Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Family Affair - Homily Christmas Vigil 2020

 Praise be Jesus Christ, Forever and ever. Amen

Today’ is a little different from our Christmas vigil masses of the past.  COVID 19 restrictions have limited how many can be here and what we as a community can offer up in celebration today.

As long as I can remember we had a Children’s celebration before mass. Our children and young people would share the good news of Jesus’ birth through a narrative. The younger children would be Mary, Joseph, the Magi, King Herrod, Angels, and shepherds. If their talent was music, we would have songs or they would play something special.

In this short play, the children would teach us the real meaning of Christmas. Children give what they receive.

Yet, if I had went to the mall yesterday and been allowed to ask children and even adults “why we celebrate Christmas?” You’d get a lot of different answers.

“It’s the holiday for giving gifts…” “It’s about family...” “Santa Clause, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,  Frosty the Snowman…”   Less and less is heard, it’s about the birth of Jesus.

For many, the story of Bethlehem is just a fairytale, an old time Disney movie.    

In this time of quarantine and isolation, it’s even more important to this gospel with each other and children especially. Parent or a grandparent watching at home, if your children and grandchildren are not around you, reach out to them to share the good news found in the story of Jesus’ birth. Our first sharing of the Gospel should be fa family affair.

It’s important that this good news is shared by family. Children give what they receive. We are all children.

Tonight’s gospel begins with family. That long list of names is Jesus’s family. It is great-great grandfathers and great-great grandmothers. It is his ancestry from Abraham to Joseph. They are all part of God’s chosen people.

God’s chosen people shared God’s promise that was given to Abraham, given to David, and kept alive in that long list of family. Even in this special relationship, many would tend to forget God’s promise.

Years passed, everyday life happened, and people put worldly things before God. People lived through wars and famine and plagues and bondage.  In those generation and generation of peoples and Kings, God’s chosen people would forget to follow God’s wishes.

People forgot God’s gifts to them and his promise to them. But, God didn’t forget His promise.

Every time history got to the point where it looked upon God’s chosen people as “Forsaken,” or “Desolate,” peoples, God made something happen.  It may have been a great leader or prophet that brought about a revival of faith. It may have even been some trial they had to endure to strengthen their faith.

When needed most, God sent the perfect gift, Jesus. God sent his word, mercy, and forgiveness incarnate into our midst, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.

They named him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” They will call him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.”

Sadly, today just like through all the generations of Jesus’ ancestors, everyday life happens, we experienced wars, famine, bondage, and even plagues in this world. It has led more and more to fall asleep and forget God’s promise.

That is why it is so important to remember the narrative of Jesus birth. It reminds us who we are supposed to be and who we are supposed to place our trust in. Believing the truths of this story can bring change. It changed Mary. It changed Joseph. It changed the world.

When we know the story it changes us.  It gives us hope.

Pope Francis tweeted this week, “Those who fail to view a crisis in the light of the Gospel … see the crisis, but not the hope and the light brought by the Gospel.”

The gospel is the truth that Jesus was born into the world where everyday life happens. It is the truth for all who say they are Christians, a story written a day after day, year after year, generation after generation as we bring Christ to the world.

It is an important part of God’s narrative of us. Share it because both children and adults give what they receive. It begins as a family affair.

Merry Christmas everyone; be good, be holy, and share this good news of Jesus with the world.

Praise be Jesus Christ, Forever and ever. Amen

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