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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Big Ears - Homily Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever! Amen.

Happy New Year!

Have you ever hear this saying - that one has got some big ears? It's not about physical appearance but the habit of hearing everything. Even if, it is not intended for them.

My mother called me Mr. Big Ears.  I overheard everything. The women in the family would gather on the porch or living room and in a hushed tone have women talk (gossip). The men would get together around the bed of a pickup and discuss manly things (gossip).

I would hear it.

Children have big ears, they hear things. My children had big ears. My wife and I would whisper things we didn’t want them to hear. We go to another room, whisper, and it seemed if we didn’t leave the house, our children would hear what we said. 

It is the same with my grandchildren. They hear everything around them.

I thought that about Mary in the gospel today, she had big ears. Mary took what she heard the shepherds say to her heart and reflected on it. When Mary and Joseph presented the infant Jesus at the temple, Mary took what she heard from prophetess Anna and Simeon to her heart and reflected upon it. She took what the angel said to her at the annunciation and reflected upon it. She prayed about all these things and they became part of her.

Mary had an advantage over us, she was immaculately conceived; born without original sin. She was born without the stain of sin from this world.

We cannot say that.

When I was young, I heard gossip of relatives, parents, and neighbors. There was church, school, and every now and then a TV show. I took it all in, Mr. Big Ears. it became part of who I am. My children heard more television, more radio, more gossip, more news, and more exposure to the world. My grandchildren the same and hear Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and  others. They take it all in. They think about. It becomes part of them.

When I was young, the adults would gather and speak in hushed tones about grownup things. They would whisper the words young ears shouldn't hear. The biggest concern was I might hear something and repeat it. 

Now, my grandchildren watch cartoons that normalizes the fact that a person born a male can just decide that they want to become a female or vice versa.  Children have big ears, they take it all in; but, so do adults. All that the world throws out there big ears take in. The world says it is OK. It is normal. Instead of praying about it, too many times it is just accepted. Morals and truth are attacked.

In the past year, ears have been exposed to not necessarily good things. The death and distress of the pandemic. News of violence, hatred, and racism usually with a biased viewpoint. A year of politics and rhetoric often absent standards of truth.

Big Ears take it in, take it to heart and reflect upon it. It becomes part of who they are.They hear something and repeat it. 

Begin this New Year, 2021 listen for something else. Listen to the blessing the LORD God gave  Moses to deliver over the people.

The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!

Take that in, pray about it. Make it part of you.

Go out to the world and share the good news of the gospel so that all those with big ears can hear it and take it to their heart. Live the gospel so all those with big eyes can see it in you. Love one another so all those with big hearts can feel it.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel to all those with big ears and little ears by the way you live your life and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

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