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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Don't Worry, Trust - A Reflection 4th Sunday OTB

Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen

St Paul said we should be free of anxieties. This is one thing all should take to heart; especially in this world today. Anxiety and worry are conscience actions. If we put those anxieties and worries before our faith in God then it is sinful.

It is a hard thing in this life to not be anxious and worry.

St. Paul goes on to tell us a way to be free of anxieties of this world; don’t get married. We should all remain chaste so not to worry about the things of this world. Instead we are to put all our efforts into pleasing the Lord.  Put our faith in the Lord.

He says he is not telling us this to put a restraint on us; but, it is true. Think about life.

When you’re young you have a lot of anxieties. Young people have anxiety about everyday stuff, about the future, and even about small things. Children worry about so much.

Adults both single and married people worry. They have the same anxieties as young people and children but add to that anxiety with worry about paying the bills, jobs, health issues, and things important to us; but in the overall scheme we worry about small things.

This world tells us we should worry. We need to worry about our climate, our government, things that happened in the past. It wants to build and multiply our anxieties to control us.

These anxieties and worries are the unclean spirits the world puts in our heart.  The devil uses all this anxiety and worry for his gain.

As a deacon – the world gives me a lot to worry about.  

I have asked these questions over and over again. Am I a good enough person, spouse, father, grandfather, son, and brother? Am I a good enough provider for those who depend upon me?

Can I take care of my parents as I should be able to take care of them as they grow older?

Even though they are grown women, I want to worry about my children and their children, my grandchildren. Are they safe; do they have what they need?

Am I a good deacon? Am I there when people need me? Am I open to where the Lord leads me? Are my prayers strong enough? Am I there for the Church, the Bishop, or the priest?

Friends, there is one thing that rebukes these unclean spirit of anxiety and worry we all must fight. It is faith in Jesus Christ. These unclean spirits know they have no power over him and they have no power over us if we put all our faith in him.

But anxiety and worry can attack even the most faithful.

We know the story, Jesus and the disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee when a storm comes up. In the anxieties and worry created by that storm, the disciples wake up Jesus who was asleep in the boat.

He turned to his disciples and asked them “Why are your terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”  

Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the seas, “Peace be still” (Mk 4)

Jesus tells us to resist the anxiety and worry of life. We are to refrain from all the worries we have as children or young people or adults or deacons. Do not worry about eat/drink or our body and what we will wear for worry cannot add a single moment to a life. Instead, we are to trust in God our Father’s providence. (Mt 6)

Friends, we are to trust in the Lord. We are to have faith. Faith is the realization of that ultimate trust.

Trust that Jesus will command the storms in our life with “Peace be still!” Trust, He will cast out our anxiety and worry like an unclean spirit.

In this world, the only person to truly trust is God. Trust God has given us the strength we need. Trust the path God leads us on.

Be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Words - Reflection 3rd Sunday OTB - Word of God Sunday

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen

Today we celebrate the “Word of God Sunday.”

As a deacon,  my ministry is to proclaim the to the world. I am to preach the word of God. It is not to be changed. It is not to be interpreted into something that it is not.

When God sends you out into the world, do as God says. The word of the LORD came to Jonah, saying: “Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce the message that I will tell you.”

Jonah ran away; but, that didn’t go quite as Jonah expected. God wants his word, the Good News to be heard.

His word was important enough that he sent his word incarnate to be among us. He sent his word may flesh. And, Jesus came proclaiming the gospel of God.

For the Church, spreading the gospel by fulfilling the words of God in this world is the greatest of actions.

Jesus said, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” It starts with the mass. The word of God is strengthened by prayer. The word of God is brought to the world by our actions.  

This world emphasizes human words so much. It has become the norm to ignore God's creation to use the individual choice of preferred gender pronoun. If not then words are turned against the offender  - intolerant, prejudiced, homophobe, or another degrading and not necessarily true label.

The world makes up new words to put its message out there. Take the words recently used in a prayer before the US Congress; Amen and Awomen. 

It was said this phrase was used to respect women; but, they disrespected God. Not the word;  a human word is just a jumble of letters that represents sounds, but the action of using those words in a prayer of praise and thanksgiving took the focus off God and put on a prideful stunt.

Amen and Awoman were words spoken by a minister of God. That is the problem.

This week with a new administration in Washington DC, words and what they mean have been in the news.  But, here are the words that mean more than any other words. These are words of God written by the finger of God.

  • “I am the Lord thy God, you shall no other gods before Me.“
  • “You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
  • “You shall not kill.”
  • “You shall not commit adultery.”
  • “You shall not steal.”
  • “You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
  • “You shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife or their goods.”

These words were spoken again here on earth by Incarnate Word of God Jesus Christ in a simpler way "love the Lord God with all your heart and all your soul and all you mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.”

Yet for those who deny Jesus Christ and deny the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; these commandments of God are just words to be changed and manipulated and used.

As sinners, we all fail to follow God’s word. To many, they are just words, an inconvenience; and they sin over and over again.

That is why the grace of Jesus’ final words must be remembered, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

We need to change our ways. We need to proclaim the word of God so all can come to believe.

Time is running out.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Difficult Vocation - Homily Reflection 2nd Sunday OTB

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever.

I am always looking for something - usually, it’s my wallet or my keys. Earlier this week, my grandson was walking through the house, holding his "sippy" cup in one hand and a cookie in the other.  He asks “Where is my cup? Have you seen my cup?”

His mother says “Silly Liam, it’s in your hand.”  He laughs - Ha Ha Ha – I’m like poppy. He takes in everything how I love and even my faults and failures. My friends the whole world is watching our Christian family that is the Body of Christ, taking it all in.

Samuel was just a child and not familiar with the LORD; but he was taking it all in - the temple, the priest, the worship, and the words of the prophet Eli.  He was sleeping in the temple when he heard God speaking to him. The prophet Eli, said answer a certain way. He took those words into his heart and when the LORD called out, Samuel answered “Speak Lord your servant is listening." Samuel took it all in to his heart and from that point on, the Lord was with him not permitting any word of his to be without effect.

Two of John’s disciples took it all in when John pointed to Jesus and said “Behold the Lamb of God.” They followed after Jesus. Jesus said to them “Come, and you will see.” And they went and stayed with him and took all that he said and all that he did into their hearts.

Samuel and the disciples took it all in and found the LORD. They took it all in and it changed them.  

Joined with God through the Holy Spirit, Samuel and the first disciples realized their vocation. All the people of God are given the same vocation. That vocation found in God is love. “God is love.”

All who follow Christ are given the perfect example of that vocation. Come and see - Love is where Jesus stays. Our vocation in Jesus is to give love and have love for all.

It is a difficult vocation.

It is hard for humanity in its imperfection to love. Even as Christians we fail to truly love as Christ wants us to love.

Look at what Christians have put out in the public forum in the past year. It is as if so many have forgotten love. In a time of pandemic and suffering when so many need prayer, love, and compassion, the most important thing for many is political party or agenda.

And everyone around us is taking it all in.

They take it in as Priest and ministers preach politics instead of love. Good and beautiful people have forgotten love and spout unpleasant ugliness. Politics are more important than people. 

The sin of this world demands people take sides and agitate. Instead of showing love, sin leads us to judge and condemn others. Surely we cannot love them. They’ve got flaws. They believe differently and because of that; God cannot love them.

People put a limit on God’s love; but, that limit is humanly created. It is a human idea that destroys others by humiliation and degradation.

Humiliating and degrading human dignity is immoral. It is wicked. It is failing our God given vocation of love. St. Paul calls it sin against others and sin against our own self.

God’s truth is His love has no limits. Love comes from God. He is its source. God is the completeness and perfection of love. And since God is love then we, his followers, who are born of God, will also love

Tomorrow, we celebrate as a country the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday. One of his most famous quotes great civil rights leader is “I have decided to stick with love. ...” He chose to bring change through love.

Friends, to truly fight for justice, equality, and change; we must love.

Although we are all imperfect and struggling against the voice of this world answer Jesus’ call to follow his love -  Here I am Lord.

Our vocation is to share God’s love. It should be our message. Samuel spoke and his words were never without effect. Andrew ran to tell others come and see,  “We have found Christ”

Everyone (country, community, neighbors, family, our children) is watching and hearing everything we do. They see how we act; what we say; and how we love one another. They take it all in, even our faults and failures.

In the life we live, Is it love they see?

Be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Baptismal Promises - Reflection of The Baptism of the Lord

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

This week, I have gotten so many calls from people asking me to pray for them. People are filled with anxiety, fear, and panic. For that reason, earlier this week I shared this prayer “Jesus I belong to you; Jesus is my Lord and savior.”

It is a good prayer to share for a couple of reasons.

First, look at the world, It seems people have forgotten Jesus. 

Many people who call themselves Christians are forgetting the most important part of being a Christian. They are forgetting the love Jesus taught us.

Instead, they like to call themselves by some other name. This past year, many have identified themselves by their political party or beliefs. By politics and agendas, the leaders of this world want us to worship them as gods so to forget the true God.

It is happening.

I have seen priest and ministers post ugly political statements not about policy but about people. I have seen good and beautiful people spout unpleasant ugliness. Instead of voicing disagreement on agendas and platforms, they judge and condemn persons.

So many baptized Christians have forgotten to live their baptismal promises. If we forget these we forget we belong to Jesus.

Do you remember your baptismal promises?

·      Do you reject Satan and all his works and all his empty promises?

·      Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?  

·      Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?

·      Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?

Friends, stay strong. Renew these promises every day. Remember the love Jesus taught us and pray “I belong to Jesus; Jesus is my Lord and savior.”

Second,this pandemic is causing people to lose hope. It is getting worse every day.   

Friends and family are sick. Friends and family are dying. Everyone is suffering in some way or another. Say this prayer, because people are losing hope. 

People say this pandemic is the work of the devil. It is not.

But, the devil is using this pandemic for his agenda.  The devil spreads fear, anger, hatred, division (disunity), anxiety, greed, injustice, despair, confusion or chaos, lust, sloth, and pride.

Those attack hope. Those attack faith. Those attack humanity.

The devil attacks us in this pandemic and through politics.  

But, remember John the Baptist proclaimed - “A mighty one is coming…. I have baptized you with water, He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”  

That one is Jesus the Christ, the son of God, Jesus Christ, Lord of all. God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power. He heals the sick. He heals those oppressed by the devil.

My friends whenever you are tempted by the devil to put anything before your faith or tempted by sin. Whenever you are tempted by anything that takes you away from the beautiful creation you are in God, say this prayer: “I belong to Jesus; Jesus is my Lord and savior.”

Remember the love Jesus taught us and pray this prayer three times. 

I belong to Jesus; Jesus is my Lord and savior.

I belong to Jesus; Jesus is my Lord and savior.

I belong to Jesus; Jesus is my Lord and savior.

It is a prayer that proclaims Jesus and helps to keep us good, holy, and preaching the gospel by the way we live our lives and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Big Ears - Homily Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever! Amen.

Happy New Year!

Have you ever hear this saying - that one has got some big ears? It's not about physical appearance but the habit of hearing everything. Even if, it is not intended for them.

My mother called me Mr. Big Ears.  I overheard everything. The women in the family would gather on the porch or living room and in a hushed tone have women talk (gossip). The men would get together around the bed of a pickup and discuss manly things (gossip).

I would hear it.

Children have big ears, they hear things. My children had big ears. My wife and I would whisper things we didn’t want them to hear. We go to another room, whisper, and it seemed if we didn’t leave the house, our children would hear what we said. 

It is the same with my grandchildren. They hear everything around them.

I thought that about Mary in the gospel today, she had big ears. Mary took what she heard the shepherds say to her heart and reflected on it. When Mary and Joseph presented the infant Jesus at the temple, Mary took what she heard from prophetess Anna and Simeon to her heart and reflected upon it. She took what the angel said to her at the annunciation and reflected upon it. She prayed about all these things and they became part of her.

Mary had an advantage over us, she was immaculately conceived; born without original sin. She was born without the stain of sin from this world.

We cannot say that.

When I was young, I heard gossip of relatives, parents, and neighbors. There was church, school, and every now and then a TV show. I took it all in, Mr. Big Ears. it became part of who I am. My children heard more television, more radio, more gossip, more news, and more exposure to the world. My grandchildren the same and hear Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and  others. They take it all in. They think about. It becomes part of them.

When I was young, the adults would gather and speak in hushed tones about grownup things. They would whisper the words young ears shouldn't hear. The biggest concern was I might hear something and repeat it. 

Now, my grandchildren watch cartoons that normalizes the fact that a person born a male can just decide that they want to become a female or vice versa.  Children have big ears, they take it all in; but, so do adults. All that the world throws out there big ears take in. The world says it is OK. It is normal. Instead of praying about it, too many times it is just accepted. Morals and truth are attacked.

In the past year, ears have been exposed to not necessarily good things. The death and distress of the pandemic. News of violence, hatred, and racism usually with a biased viewpoint. A year of politics and rhetoric often absent standards of truth.

Big Ears take it in, take it to heart and reflect upon it. It becomes part of who they are.They hear something and repeat it. 

Begin this New Year, 2021 listen for something else. Listen to the blessing the LORD God gave  Moses to deliver over the people.

The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!

Take that in, pray about it. Make it part of you.

Go out to the world and share the good news of the gospel so that all those with big ears can hear it and take it to their heart. Live the gospel so all those with big eyes can see it in you. Love one another so all those with big hearts can feel it.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel to all those with big ears and little ears by the way you live your life and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.