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Sunday, March 21, 2021

OUR THOUGHTLESS SINS - 5th Sunday of Lent - 3rd Scrutiny

 Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen

I have been on a spiritual journey this lent. My spiritual director asked me to think back over my life to examine my sins, both thoughtless and deliberate. It’s been a time of scrutiny; and then Father asked me to give the homily this 3rd scrutiny Sunday.

The scrutinies may seem a little strange. It’s the ancient tradition of the elect examining their life. I invite all here to do the same.

Each scrutiny Sunday has a specific gospel. The 1st scrutiny is the woman at the well. The 2nd is the man born blind. And today, the 3rd scrutiny is the story of the raising Lazarus from the dead.

This gospel is special; but, it begins in a way that can be hard to understand.

When the message came that Lazarus was ill and dying, Jesus remained for two days in the place he was staying. No it wasn’t because He was afraid, Jesus had other reasons.

He was very plain about it. Jesus wanted to increase the faith of believers. “This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

You shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them.

Lazarus was dead when Jesus got there. But, Lazarus died so that Jesus' power over death would be apparent to all the witnesses. 

The family of Lazarus loved Jesus. They were his disciples. They believed in him, but when their brother died they cried out to Jesus “Lord if you had only been here.”

Jesus tells Martha, "I am the one who raises the dead to life!"  She believes in Jesus; but, she has her doubts, “Lord it been 4 days - there is going to be a stench.”

Friends if you have you ever doubted Jesus - Don’t! Jesus loves us and understands the gift of human life. He understands so well that he stood in front of Lazarus’ tomb weeping. He cried not only for Lazarus, but for his own coming passion.

Then Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” - “You shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them.”

Jesus knows earthly life is so short; so, He calls to us. He calls each of us by name. He calls us to come out of the death of sin.  He calls us back to life. That is why we need a time of scrutiny; a time of quite to examine our self and listen as He calls us.

All are called to glorify God and to fail to do that weather in a thoughtless way or deliberately is sinful.

The scrutinies allow us to contemplate the thoughtless and deliberate sins that kill our hearts and souls. Jesus calls to us let go of the sins. Get rid of the evil of doubt and despair. Come to my voice.

To all the elect and the faithful, remember your family, friends, neighbors and this community of believers loves you, make use of God’s grace found in that love. In this time of scrutiny, pray, meditate, and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

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