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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fathers are Fixers

Luke 7:36-50

[I heard Pastor Bill Dye, (N. Monroe Baptist) speak about fathers as fixers on a radio broadcast as I left mass this morning.  I loved this idea so here is my reflection and perspective.]

Fathers are fixers.  It doesn't matter if you're born into the role of a dad, adopted or married into it, or are a mentor to some one, if you are looked at as a dad, then for someone you are a fixer.  

Now, some dads are natural born fixers, others have to learn to be fixers, and some never quite get it right, but try so hard.  The most important thing about being a fixer is seeing the good in what you are trying to fix.

This is Jesus.  Jesus' love sees the good no matter how broken we are.  Jesus the fixer,  asks the Pharisee the question about a creditor who forgives the debt of one who owes a small amount and one who owes a large amount.  Which one would be more grateful?  The Pharisee's answer was the one with the larger debt.

Jesus asked the question to fix the Pharisee's bigotry.  But the question was asked from the point of view of someone needing to be fixed.  Maybe we missed the point, both of the debtors were fixed.

God our Father is the fixer.  He made us and He fixes us when we are broken.  God forgives us no matter how bad we are broken.  If we are broken in a small way or shattered completely our Heavenly Father, through grace, offers through forgiveness, a way of fixing our broken lives.  

This Fathers Day, a friend of mine posted on Facebook the words of his dad.  "Love is the willingness to sacrifice anything for the happiness of someone else."  This is the sacrifice of our Heavenly Father.  God became man.  As Jesus, He taught us what love is and then gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins.  All of this was done in order to fix us.

Sometimes we must go to our dads.  Many with only a small thing that dad needs to fix.  Others will come to dad on their knees and crying with so much that needs to be fixed.  In the loves that our dad have, they forgive us and try to fix the problem.  Some are naturals, others have had to learn, and others though they try with the greatest love, just cannot quite fix it.

We all have a Father we can go to.  A Father we can turn to when we need fixing.  A Father we should approach on our knees.  Ask for the His love to truly make us.  The love that makes us the best fathers, the best mothers, the best children, and the best family.   It is also the love that also makes us the best friend, the best neighbor, and the best helper to all who need.  

As earthly fathers, dads are fixers, but we do not un-break.  Only our Father in Heaven can un-break.  Through Jesus, He knows our need of fixing.  It was through Jesus, He offered a way for us to pick up our pieces.  Through His sacrifice we are forgiven.  In God's forgiveness, we are made unbroken.

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