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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Friends, Prayers, and Ministry

Acts 9:27 Acts 11:25,26
Then Barnabas took charge of him (Saul) and brought him to the apostles, and reported to them how on the way he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus.

Then he (Barnabas) went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him he brought him to Antioch.  For a whole year they met with the church and taught a large number of people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christian.

At my church there is a quiet little ministry that speaks boldly in the name of Jesus. A ministry that comes together to knit and pray. It is the Prayer Shawl Ministry. With each click of the knitting needle, prayers are said for the healing and intentions of those who suffer. Prayers are given for healing in those who have requested prayers.  Each prayer is given in love by the members of the ministry for those they may have never met.

The knitted prayer shawls are made to comfort and go over a sick person's shoulders. The completed shawl is packaged with a prayer printed on a piece of paper and a miraculous medal. The shawls are then blessed.  When someone in our community, a church member, a family member, a friend, or just someone in need is suffering, the prayer shawl team is there praying for them as they knit. This ministry is made in faith with the click of needles and the sound of prayers.

The prayer shawls are available when there is a need.  When someone contacts the church, about an illness and a ministers visit, the shawl is brought during this personal visit. The minster will ask for permission to place the shawl on the person and pray.  The shawl represents all the prayers of the ministry team and the community.  

The prayer shawl is also an important part of our healing masses.  On the last Tuesday of the month, a small group of believers gather for a special healing mass. Those present announce their intentions and who needs prayers.  At the end of mass, the prayer shawls are made available to those who need one. If the person in need of healing is at mass, the priest and people will gather around, lay hands on the person and pray.  

The prayer shawls are used in our ministry at the local war veteran's home. They are made available to the elderly veterans and their families. These shawls are a remembrance, prayers, and appreciation for what they gave to protect so many. 

It is a quiet and powerful ministry of this small group of friends. Christian friends coming together in ministry. Prayer and asking God for his help to those in need. It is kind of what Barnabas and Saul did coming together in ministry. It is a nice coincident that this ministry is lead by a lady named Christian.

Lord Jesus, In our Christian friends we find support and encouragement.  Give us a strong community to grow in your love.  Help all believers to serve,  witness and preach to the world united in Christian friendship.  Amen

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