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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Homily Reflection "Christ the King" - The World Says Let Them Eat Pie

The World Says Let Them Eat Pie
Today we celebrate the solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. This celebration was declared to help us battle the things that keep us from God. Things like greed; selfishness; the absence of peace; the loss of stability of the family; and the attack on Society.
The Church felt that if the world focused on Jesus Christ King of the Universe it could fight the darkness of these things that keeps us from God. Ninety years after the first celebration, look around us. Greed, selfishness, no peace, family and social stability are still being attacked today..  
Maybe self-examination is in order. Maybe we should ask “Is Jesus Christ the King of my Universe?”
Raised Southern Baptist, I memorized Bible verses as part of my religious education. One I still remember is from the end of the Book of Revelation “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”  I learned that verse over 45 years ago.
Almost the same verse appears at the beginning of the Book of Revelation. "I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, "the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty."
These verses are truly profound, especially for this celebration.
Profound for many reasons, but one is that these verses tell us God is eternal and always. Despite what a world that doesn’t believe tells us, God was not made up by a bunch of old men in the desert. God the Father, creator of all things, exists in the beginning and the end of all things; in us and all that is around us.
That brings me to a second profound thought on these verses. Where is Christ in my life?
Someone told me how to figuring out where Jesus Christ is in your life. I was told to draw a big circle. I was to cut this circle up like a pie. Divide it up and put the things important to you as slices of that pie. Each slice’s size should represent the importance of that thing to your life.  
In the business world this is called a pie chart. I like pie!
For me, the biggest slice of pie is family. Two other big slices are my job and my duties as a deacon. Still, another is the people in this faith community. I like to write, so I make a slice for my writing. To write, you have to read, so there is another slice. Things like travel, education, hobbies, and friends also get slices. Pretty soon your pie is all sliced up. 
Where did I put Christ? 
Maybe I need to divide up one of these slices and put a little God here. A little sliver equals about an hour a week most people give to God. Maybe we give Jesus a whole pie off to the side. I wouldn’t want God messing up my everyday life. Or, do I can use God like cool whip, keeping Jesus Christ closed in a container and adding a little God on special occasions, like the holidays or when company comes over.
Sadly, some don't know Jesus. Their pie slices are the darkness of abuse, addiction, violence, and much more. Their pies are full of human things like selfishness, greed, the absence of peace, broken family, and failed society.
That’s not what God wants. It’s not what those verses mean that begin, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.” It means - God must be the basic ingredient of your pie. God brings everything together.
The “I am” who is, was, and is to come created us; God gave us our family and the gifts that allow us to interact with people. We have the ability to love and Christ teaches us how to love. Some of us are still working on it.
The almighty gives us wisdom, intelligence, and common sense. And you know just because God gave some people a big helping of one; they may not have gotten a big helping of another. But, Christ can help us overcome where we are lacking.
Is Jesus Christ the one who holds it all together for us, the main ingredient, and our eternal King? If you say yes, consider as Jesus asked Pilate “Do you say this on your own or have others told you …?”
Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe; yet, for many the King of their life is not Christ. Even though every eye will see him, the Christ that many have in their eye and their heart is the Christ that fits their plans. People (some who in all sincerity think their words, actions, and beliefs are based in Christ) can change God and Christianity into what they want it to be. The King of their Universe is the things the world calls them to their possessions, status, and wealth.
We celebrate Jesus Christ King of the Universe, but in Jesus’ own words, His Kingdom is not here. He is not the King of the Universe we make of worldly things; but, we can bring His kingdom to this world. Fight the darkness bring His Kingdom through a radical conversion of our hearts and the acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is King. His kingdom is built one soul at a time, deep in the hearts of each individual person.
When I think of all the things people put before Jesus Christ as their King, another verse comes back to me. It’s short, simple and easy to learn. The Holy Spirit tells me this verse has everything to do with Christ the King, who loves us so much. For all we put before him, “Jesus wept.”


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