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Sunday, December 31, 2017

God is not Somewhere Else - Reflection for the Feast of the Holy Family

There is a popular movie series titled “God is not Dead.” The movie is about unbelief and comes from a quote of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The proper quote is “God is dead. And we have killed him.”
As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, consider Nietzsche’s quote. God is not dead, but are killing the presence of the LORD in our family and lives.
They took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, just as it is written in the law of the Lord.
Parents are failing to offer their family and their children to the LORD. God is not dead; but, we have put God somewhere else than at the center of our family.
Many parents stop bringing their children to mass as they become teenagers. Parents have the misguided idea they shouldn’t force faith on their children. Children will learn through the actions of their parents. They learn it is unsettling to have God and Christian morals in their everyday, miserable, and many times sordid lives.
That is a wrong idea. Loving parents protect their child in a dangerous situation. Good parents intervene if their child is in danger of being hurt, or injured, or doing something unlawful.
Today’s parents are ignoring the most hurtful situation. They ignore faith, ignore hope, and ignore salvation. They are killing the presence of God in their family and their children’s lives. God is dead, but the ability to recognize the presence of God is dying in many person's lives. Many have put God somewhere else.
This is having a drastic impact on faith, the Church, and religion. We must never forget the faith of our families and especially of our children.
When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.
The USCCB did a Survey of Youth and Young Adults on Vocations in 2012. In that survey, 12% of male respondents said had seriously considered becoming a priest or brother.  Ten percent of female respondents say they had seriously considered becoming a religious sister. This response was given by young people who said:
  • They attend weekly Mass (now and in high school)
  • They live in households where parents talked to them about religion
  • They said faith is the most important part of their life
  • They participate in prayer and devotional activities, Bible study, Eucharistic adoration, retreats, or prayer groups
  • They pray the rosary at least weekly (alone or in a group)
  • They belong to a group that encourages devotion to Mary

Many of these things, practices, devotions, beliefs, and life directions came from a place where God is at the center of the family; families where God is part of everyday life.
People will find it hard to believe God would come into our ordinariness. They do not want to believe that God enters the intimacies of our lives and our families.
When people let that happen, they are surprise to learn that God is not dead; God is with us and He always has been.
As the New Year comes and we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, make sure we have not put God somewhere else other than at the center of our family.

Yall be good, yall be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Cards - Homily Reflection Christmas Day Mass

I failed to send Christmas cards this year. We moved, plus cataract surgery and then Christmas day. So, I want to give you this Christmas card.
Look at the altar and the beautiful Christmas decorations of the Church. See the tabernacle, flowers, and vestments of the altar. Place in the center of it the nativity. Imagine in your mind these as picture on the front of the card.
The verse in the the card is from the reading in Isaiah.
How beautiful are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, "Your God is King!"
I remember a Christmas card my family received when I was in the second or third grade. The picture on the front of the card was a drawing of a window with advent wreath and candles. Outside the window, snow covered the ground. In the sky was a long and pointed Christmas star. It was beautiful.
I remember this card because that year in school the Christmas art project was to make a Christmas cards for parents. Others children drew Christmas stockings, Christmas trees, gingerbread men, or Santa and his sleigh. I drew my version of that Christmas card: a window scene with a candle and star. The teacher selected my crayon drawing to be displayed with the best art projects.
Fifty years later, I don’t remember the exact verse in that Christmas card, but, it was about the light came into the world on Christmas.
God spoke to me in a simple childlike way in a picture. God speaks to us in ways we can understand. Scripture says that in times past, God spoke through the prophets; in these days, he has spoken to us through the Son.
God us his personal Christmas card. God sends us what we need. God sent us his word.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.  All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.
And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us and we saw his glory the glory as of the Father's only Son full of grace and truth.
The word came as Jesus. The in-the-flesh word of God dwelled among us to experience our reality.
God is right there in the middle of all this. The Word coming to be among us shows us that God the Father has a personal interest in us.
Our reality is not always that beautiful picture on the front of a Christmas card. But the Word of God allowed us to see His reality: His glory as of the Father's only Son, the Word of God, full of grace and truth. What a transforming reality that is.
What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
There was a Christmas card that read something like this:
  • "If our need had been information, God would have sent us a reporter.”
  •  “If our need had been technology, God would have sent us an inventor.”
  •  “If our need had been money, God would have sent us a banker.”
  •  “Our need is to hear the voice of God and God sent us his Word.”
  •  “Our need is forgiveness and God sent us a Savior."

Anyone can send us a Christmas card and many will send us a gift’ but only God truly gives us what we need. Jesus was sent to complete God’s message of love. As God sent Jesus into this world, Jesus is then sending us to continue God’s message of love.
He is sending us made in the beautiful image of God with His message of truth; His message of hope; His message of forgiveness, love, and salvation.
Jesus is sending us.

We are His Christmas cards; so, be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

4 Journeys - Homily Reflection - Christmas Midnight Mass -

I was asked to help with a ladies Christmas devotional with a reflection based on cookie cutter shapes. I was given these shapes: a star, a candle, a wreath, a Christmas tree, a gingerbread man, a sleigh, and a Christmas stocking.
The most difficult were the Christmas stocking and the sleigh.  
This was stuck in my mind about the sleigh: “Over the river and through the wood, to grandmother’s house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh….” It is a song about a winter journey.
Reflecting on journey came this verse from Judges (18:5) “Inquire of God that we may know whether the journey on which we are setting out will succeed.”
That is what the Christmas story is about, our journey to God, and God’s journey to us. Tonight, we celebrate the successful journey. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.
Tonight we look at four journeys.
Joseph and Mary made a journey that started before Jesus was born. It began with the annunciation by the angel Gabriel to Mary. It began with the visit of an angel in a dream to Joseph. And it was continuing as the expectant couple traveled to Bethlehem in accordance with a decree that went out from Caesar Augustus. It was a journey of destiny.
Arriving in Bethlehem, Joseph went to find the family a place to stay, Joseph more than likely knocked on many doors. Joseph even tried to get a room at the Inn, but no one had room.  
So they took shelter in a place for livestock, a stable, or barn; and the child was born. The mother wrapped the newborn child in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger.
That was the beginning of another journey. The journey of the child who is Jesus. Jesus is both with God and God Himself. His existence didn’t begin with His birth or conception, but pre-existed Creation, as made by Him and for Him. This was the part of the journey God took to become man. He was born of human estate. It was the journey of incarnation.The journey of what his life was meant to be.
The third journey was the one the Shepherds made guided by an Angel. An angel appeared to them proclaiming the good news of the birth of a child upon whose shoulder all of dominion rests. The shepherds heard of the birth of one to be called Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, and Prince of Peace. The Angel told them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy for all the people.” And the glory of the Lord was all around them.
These shepherds were just like you and me, sinners in the world. They were called to seek Jesus. So they journeyed to find the Christ child, the infant Jesus. Theirs and ours is a journey of faith.
Every day we travel on a journey to be nearer to God through the child born that night. Some of us are on a journey of destiny. Some of us are on a journey of faith. And all of us are on a journey to become who we are meant to be.
Today our journeys begin again. Today our Savior is born, Christ the Lord
Jesus born in a manger because there was no room for him; on your journey in life, make room for Jesus. In Him, the journey on which we are setting out will succeed.

Be Good, be holy proclaim the gospel and found in the coming of our savior who was born to Mary. Have a Merry Christmas. Amen. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Vigil Mass: Holy Socks and Christmas Stockings

A lady came to me the other day looking for help with Christmas gifts for some young children. She didn’t ask for toys, just pajamas and socks. How humbling it is in this day and age for someone not to want anything more for their child for Christmas than warm clothes to sleep in and socks.
Socks have recurring theme for me this season.
Someone asked me to help write a devotional reflection based on cookie cutter shapes for the altar societies Christmas party. I was given a list of shapes including a star, a candle, a wreath, a Christmas tree, a sleigh, a gingerbread man, and a Christmas stocking.
The most difficult for me was the Christmas stocking.  
Try thinking about the mystery of God in a Christmas stocking, if is just a fancy sock.  Try to let Jesus speak to you in footwear; but, John the Baptist did say that one is coming after me that I am not worthy to unstrap his sandal.
Socks are not glamorous. Socks are not theological. Socks could be considered insignificant things. They exist on our feet, in our shoes. Socks get dirt and smelly. They end up stretched out of shape and full of holes.
Here is what I wrote.  From the letter to the Ephesians comes the instruction for us to be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Other than keeping your feet warm, socks are usually ignored and trodden upon.  But socks can be more. Socks can hold the gifts of Christmas.
Kind of like us. God loves us all. No matter how lowly, forlorn, or forgotten we are. God does not forget us. If we are faithful and loyal to him, we will be rewarded, brought out before everyone, glorified, and know eternal reward.
That’s the promise that began at the first Christmas.
Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things (Philippians 4:8) That includes socks.
May be we need to be little more humble, honorable, and commendable like the lowly sock.
The miracle of Christmas is that if you take a worn old sock and put the gift of Christmas in it, you will have a wonderful Christmas stocking.
Socks can be theological. Pray that Jesus raises up the down trodden and ignored bringing them to eternal glory.
I thought that was a pretty good reflection on Christmas stockings, until I was preparing for this Christmas Vigil Gospel.
The lineage of Jesus contains a lot of different kinds of sock. It has fancy socks can like Abraham, King David, and King Solomon. It has mismatched socks like Rahab from Jericho and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the mistress of King David and the mother of Solomon. Some in that lineage could be dirty socks. But the last ones in that lineage can be called Holy Socks (H-O-L-Y) – a simple humble husband and wife, Joseph and Mary. 
God can take the most unworthy of us and make us more. No more "Forsaken," or "Desolate," but instead "My Delight," and "Espoused."
When we speak of turning us into something more, we have the birth of Jesus.
Mary was a poor young girl, unmarried and pregnant, a situation that would have been hard to explain to the people of her time. Although, we know there was so much more of her. God raised her up and chose her to be the mother of Jesus.
And then there was Joseph, a man with second thoughts. Joseph was a righteous and God fearing man.
Mary and Joseph, they were H-O-L-Y socks to be filled with the one true gift of Christmas. Jesus.
It is the miracle of Christmas. It is the salvation of Christ Jesus.  You who are God-fearing, listen. God in Christ Jesus is coming to the world to make us more than we are. He raises up the down trodden and ignored bringing them to eternal glory.
Everyone who would consider themselves nothing extraordinary, just everyday socks remember this; God rejoices in you and raises you up into something more. With Christ in us, we are no longer just Holy socks but wonderful Christmas stockings.
Holy Socks to Christmas Stockings, with God nothing is impossible - do not be afraid for "God is with us."
Be Good, be holy proclaim the gospel and found in the coming of our savior who was born to Mary. Have a Merry Christmas. Amen. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Sing Goodness - Homily Reflection 4th Sunday of Advent

I hope that everyone is having a blessed Advent. This 4th Sunday of Advent we light the candle of peace. It is also called the Angel Candle.
My own little angel, my grandson, has spent advent learning Christmas songs in school. I’ve heard Jingle Bells more this year than in the past 20 years; he scream-sings every song at the top of his lungs.
He loves to sing, especially church hymns. His favorite is Hallelujah! God has put that song in his heart. He sings it with all the goodness and joy his 4 year old heart can give.
Today we have this Psalm - Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord!
Do you think Mary sang for joy after the annunciation? A young girl, unmarried, and suddenly in a way the world would not understand, expecting a child.
I know she did!!                                                
She sang a song the Church recognizes as the prayer of Mary, the Magnificat. It’s a song of joy by the mother of God.
Mary song begins, My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior … Those words when prayed with a goodness of soul and joy of spirit will make your heart soar.
Today’s gospel focuses on Mary and the annunciation. Joseph had a similar experience. In a dream an angel said they shall call him Emmanuel, The Lord is with us. Doing the will of God, Joseph’s song may have been O Come, O Come Emmanuel.
Being a quiet man, not a word of what he ever said is recorded in scripture, Joseph sang without words as his soul proclaimed the greatness of God and his spirit rejoiced.
Probably, we’ve all thought about what we’d do in experiencing an Annunciation. Could we say yes to God?
Most of us would rather hear the words of God the prophet Nathan said to David, “Go and do whatever you have in mind.” Only for many the will of the LORD is not what we have in mind.
We tend to ignore the LORD’s words when what we are doing is what we want to do and not what God wants us to do. The LORD GOD asks us do his will not ours. His will is that we prepare the way of the LORD; prepare a house and kingdom that will endure forever.
What the Lord wants of us is simple. The LORD God wants us to listen for Him. The LORD God wants us to do his will. The LORD God wants us to prepare our hearts and soul for him through Jesus Christ. 
Prayerfully strive to do these things. Work to make houses that endure for the LORD. Come to mass, partake in the sacraments, and pray unceasingly. And forever sing the goodness of the LORD.
We can sing it without words. Proclaim praises to God in our soul. Feel the rejoicing of your spirit in God. Live it. Just like Mary. Just like Joseph. Sing Goodness.
Business owner dedicated your business to the LORD. Health Care professional dedicate your practice to the LORD. Nothing is impossible for GodIf you’re a teacher and cannot outwardly share God then dedicate your faith, your prayers, and your example to influence the kingdom. From garbage man to politician, prepare the Kingdom in those around us, those we meet every day, those we protect, and those we serve.
These are so simple and so hard; yet, God gives us the strength to do his will. God gives the strength needed to build his kingdom by grace.
By grace, the young Mary had strength and courage to do God’s will. Grace manifest in the words of the angel Gabriel, Hail full of Grace, the LORD is with you. "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”
We’ve talked about what we’d do if we had an Annunciation.
St. Paul gave us an annunciation. “To Him who can strengthen you ….  Make known to all nations the obedience of faith to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever.”
Mary’s prayer and song rejoices in doing God’s will. Doing God’s will puts a song of joy in our hearts.
Brothers and sisters forever sing the goodness of the LORD. May God’s will be done. Maybe God’s will be done in us. May grace allow a prayer and song of rejoicing in your heart.
Sing Goodness, Sing Holiness, and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen

Friday, December 15, 2017

Joy Grasps Your Right Hand - Reflection 3rd Sunday Advent

When Joy Grasps Your Right Hand
When my youngest daughter was three years old, my wife took her to get her first set of glasses. Full of joy, my daughter screamed, “Momma, I can see!”
This week I had cataract surgery. Finished, the Doctor asked “How’s that feel?"
I shrieked with joy, “I can see! I can see!”
My wife heard me in the family waiting room.
Joy brings out the need to shriek, scream, and cry out your happiness for the world to see. Able to see, my daughter was full of joy. After my surgery, this 56 year old was too.
Think about a young couple entering a marriage. She is full of joy when he asks. He is full of joy when she says yes. (or vice-versa) There is usually some screaming and crying.
New parents, grandparents, family, and friends are full of joy at the birth of new and loved child. When their eyes first see the child, joy explodes.
When we experience true joy, we grab the loved one nearest to us for a hug, scream or cry, and jump for joy.
Think of the prophesy Isaiah gave; I am the LORD, your God, who grasps your right hand…. Imagine in the greatest times of joy, God grasping our right hand as we cry out and jump for joy.
This is Gaudete Sunday; Joyful Sunday in the Church. Our readings begin with a powerful experience of joy. The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me;…  
Brothers and sisters: Advent is a time of joy. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
This is time to profess the good news of Jesus Christ; this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
Grasp the hand of God to proclaim the gospel that in God is the joy of our soul; he has clothed us with a robe of salvation and wrapped us in a mantle of justice....
We know joy by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Do not quench the Spirit.
The Spirit anoints us to proclaim the gospel. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the broken hearted, and proclaim liberty to the captives.  These are done in joy.  It is in joy that we testify to the light, so that all might believe through those of us who believe.
During advent we repent of our sins, pray and prepare for the coming of one greater than any of us. This advent anticipates the one who brings joy greater than any joy we will ever know. He is the one the world asks about.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Grasp joy with your right hand. Exclaim and cry out the joy of Jesus Christ. Shout the gospel in all we do.  Jump for joy at the promised coming of our savior. Grab the hand of the one who loves you. 

I am the LORD, your God, who grasps your right hand…. It is joy the world needs to see!.
Yall be good, yall be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Comfort is Me Not Singing - A reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent

This week was interesting.
I was told to prepare to give the Homily. I prepared; then, I was told a visiting priest was giving the Homily.
I rewrote my reflection as a poem. Comfort: A Poetic Reflection for the 2nd Sunday Advent.
Thursday, I received a text that I was needed for the singing of Kyrie Eleison at mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. (I had warned the new pastor my lack of singing skills.) I practiced night and morning. I still remember the look of horror on the Cantors face when I said I was ready to sing.
Our new pastor said, “No! Deacon you must not sing!” He had a different plan.
At the Saturday Vigil mass, I was told by the visiting priest to give the Homily. But, during the procession, he decided to do the Homily.
This week I traveled the roads of Isaiah, twisting, turning, up and down.
But, I know my destination is the peace and comfort our Savior promises. It is in what Isaiah proclaimed, “Comfort, give comfort to your people O Lord.” It is in Jesus.
It is comfort in one mightier than any of us. He will baptize us with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the great comforter. Comfort is the lovingkindness of God found in the peace, joy, and presence of Christ Jesus. We wait for the promised comfort.
Wait for the Lord will send His comfort to us. As we wait, be a voice that proclaims the Gospel. Go to the mountains and hills. Go to the rough country. Shout from the wasteland. Say to all who will listen, Our God comes with power and might. Prepare the way of the Lord.
Many do not know His comfort. It is the power of His comfort that calms the anxiety, turmoil, obstacles, and waste lands of our life experienced in what is thought to be the comforts of this world. But they only bring rough and rugged places full of the mountains and hills of everyday life in this world.
Many wait and long to know Jesus. They wait for us who have been in the same place as them (the barren desert of sin) to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Be brave, proclaim Jesus as the path of salvation.  
Brothers and sisters during advent, acknowledge our sins. Know our destination. Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit to help us navigate the crooked roads, hills, mountains, and wastelands of this worldly life. Prepare for the coming of Christ.
Yall be good. Yall be holy. Be a voice crying out the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ by the way the live and love. That is what Advent is about. Amen.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Comfort: A Poetic Reflection for the 2nd Sunday Advent

Calm us Lord,
           with your presence
                                       lovingkindness & peace & joy

Only the power
           your comfort
           your calm
                        anxiety and turmoil
                        obstacles & waste lands
           Rough places
           Rugged landscapes
                         full of MouNtaiNs & Hills
                                                                             in this
                      joyful comforting
                                                Valley of peace
                                                                       not found
                                                                             by all

Many still
            for a voice crying
                                            from the desert
                                            of the world
                                         barren of God
                                              barren of hope
                                                  ever more barren
                                                                            of faith

For those still
            in the desert
            for voice
                                                                     for the Lord
                                                                       your paths

One of us
                 one brave
                 proclaim Jesus
                                        the path of salvation
                                                                        know God

                        does not want        
                        only the Church
                        wants the world.
                        want us
                                    many voices
                                    in the wilderness & desert
                                                                           the word

who have been 
dressed in sin
                        in the desert.
                       without the Lord
                                      but have found him.
                        by locust & honey of faith
                                               lovingkindness & peace & joy
             Christ Jesus.
                                    each voice
             Holy Spirit
crying out in the wilderness
of a sinful world.