was asked to help with a ladies Christmas devotional with a reflection based on
cookie cutter shapes. I was given these shapes: a star, a candle, a wreath, a
Christmas tree, a gingerbread man, a sleigh, and a Christmas stocking.
most difficult were the Christmas stocking and the sleigh.
This was stuck in my mind about
the sleigh: “Over the river and through the wood, to
grandmother’s house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh….” It is
a song about a winter journey.
on journey came this verse from Judges (18:5) “Inquire of God that we may know
whether the journey on which we are setting out will succeed.”
is what the Christmas story is about, our journey to God, and God’s journey to
us. Tonight, we celebrate the successful journey. The people who walked in darkness have seen a
great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.
Tonight we look at four journeys.
and Mary made a journey that started before Jesus was born. It began with the
annunciation by the angel Gabriel to Mary. It began with the visit of an angel
in a dream to Joseph. And it was continuing as the expectant couple traveled to
Bethlehem in accordance with a decree that went out from Caesar Augustus. It
was a journey of destiny.
in Bethlehem, Joseph went to find the family a place to stay, Joseph more than
likely knocked on many doors. Joseph even tried to get a room at the Inn, but no one
had room.
they took shelter in a place for livestock, a stable, or barn; and the child
was born. The mother wrapped the newborn child in swaddling clothes and laid
him in a manger.
That was the beginning of another journey. The journey of the child who is Jesus. Jesus is both
with God and God Himself. His existence didn’t begin with His birth or
conception, but pre-existed Creation, as made by Him and for Him. This was the
part of the journey God took to become man. He was born of human estate. It was
the journey of incarnation.The journey of what his life was meant to be.
The third journey was the one the Shepherds
made guided by an Angel. An angel appeared to them
proclaiming the good news of the birth of a child upon whose shoulder all of dominion rests. The shepherds heard of the
birth of one to be called Wonder-Counselor,
God-Hero, and Prince of Peace. The Angel told them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy
for all the people.” And the glory of the Lord was all around them.
shepherds were just like you and me, sinners in the world. They were called to
seek Jesus. So they journeyed to find the Christ child, the infant Jesus. Theirs
and ours is a journey of faith.
day we travel on a journey to be nearer to God through the child born that night. Some of
us are on a journey of destiny. Some of us are on a journey of faith. And all
of us are on a journey to become who we are meant to be.
our journeys begin again. Today our Savior is born, Christ the Lord
Jesus born in a manger because there was no room for him; on your journey in
life, make room for Jesus. In Him, the journey on which we are setting out will
Good, be holy proclaim the gospel and found in the coming of our savior who was
born to Mary. Have a Merry Christmas. Amen.
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