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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Peace Fruit - A Reflection 16th Sunday OTB

We think we know everything. If we don’t, we turn to someone else who we think knows everything. That may be the media or a politician or a political party or a special interest group.
Here is a secret. They tell us what they want us to hear. They call it justice. Many times, it is only a cover for a hidden agenda. Agendas that are intended to mislead and divide us. Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the LORD.
The LORD gave us good shepherds. The LORD, Jesus Christ left us the Church and the Christian faith and religion. Still, people in the Church have agendas. Even denominations and factions in our faith have agendas.
But, the role of the Church and religion is to direct us to the truth, each other, and God. I will appoint shepherds for them who will shepherd them so that they need no longer fear and tremble; and none shall be missing, says the LORD.
Jesus said the Holy Spirit, the paraclete, would never abandon His Church. By the Holy Spirit, God always sends shepherds to His fold. As Christians, our shepherd is Christ Jesus and here on earth Christ shepherds his flock through the Church. My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Realizing that, we know a moment of grace.  He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near, for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.
Peace is known through faith; for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
It is found in the truest teachings of our Catholic Church. In fact, all Christian denominations began in that same place; even though they fail to recognize it. Sadly, some are not even there anymore.
Faith, religion, and Church teach us how to be a good and moral society in a framework of justice to understand and live. When Jesus saw the vast crowd, he felt compassion for them and began to teach them.  
Here are the basics Catholic Social teachings:
Every human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral society.
With that dignity, people have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good, what is good for all of us including the poor and vulnerable. Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined.
Every person has a fundamental right to those things required for human decency. The basic moral test for society is our respect for the dignity of the poor and vulnerable in a world that divides rich and poor.
The wealth of the world and its economy must serve people, not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is the way we are to continue to participate in God’s creation.
We participate in respect and love for the Creator of all by our stewardship of creation. We protect people and the planet by living our faith, which includes caring for creation, its creatures, and this earth.
We are one human family. We are our brothers and sisters keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbors is the concept of solidarity and at its core is justice and peace.
John Paul II wrote solidarity “…goes beyond itself to total gratuity, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It leads to a new vision of the unity of humankind, a reflection of God's triune intimate life. ..."
The thing needed to make this work, subsidiarity.  It is handling issues at the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority and problem solving as close to the problem as possible, where people know the needs.
Peace holds it all together. Peace is mutual respect and confidence between peoples and nations. Peace is the fruit of justice.
Look to the one who is our peace. And, the name they shall give him; The LORD our justice.
To know peace, consent to peace; consent to justice. To know peace, make the choice of peace; work for justice. In peace and justice there is no hidden agenda; only dignity.

Be good. Be Holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Peace.

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