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Friday, July 27, 2018

There was a Child - Reflection 17th Sunday OTB

(Readings) (Inspired by R. Rohr)

Jesus shared a meal with lots of people. He ate with Pharisees, scribes, women, sinners, lepers, and both Jew’s and non-Jews. Most of (if not all) Jesus’ miracles of healing and exorcisms took place entering or leaving a house for a meal.
At Mass, He shares with us the most wondrous of miracles and the holiest of meals, the Holy Eucharist.
And, people criticize it with statements like - everyone should be able to take communion, whether they believe in the real presence or not. Jesus fed 5000, it should be for everyone. 
People and even Churches seem to forget this meal is different. Jesus said it was really his body and blood. So, to share in this meal, you must believe. It is not up to the priest or deacon to decide if we are to share the meal that is the real presence of Christ with those who don’t believe.
But, all are free to share the real presence of Jesus Christ in us with others. This is our shared communion. Today’s gospel shows us how powerful it is to share the presence of Jesus in us with others; because, there was a child who gave its meal to Jesus.
One of his disciples said to him… but what good are these for so many? Jesus’ answer was to blessed the food and set the table.
When we give what we have, in the love of Christ, we feed many. Christ makes the table ready. It is the table of sharing, the table of Jesus Christ and all who love him.
We are the child called to bring what we have to Jesus. We are called to live in a worthy manner; with humility and gentleness, with patience, with love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace…
The Missionaries of Charity share Christ with the world. They witness Christ not my sharing the Eucharist, but by being the real presence of Christ in the world. They give to the world the love of Christ that is in them.
It began when a child of God brought what she had to Christ. Her faith has fed millions with food, with compassion, and with Christ. The Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa feeds the hungry, cares for the poorest of the poor, and picks the dying up off the street to care for them. This is a living example of miracle of the Eucharist. 
Transubstantiation is the mystery and miracle of the bread and wine becoming the real presence of Christ. This mystery and miracle is personified in those who live Christ's love. It is multiplied over and over by our witness and the sharing of His love in us with others.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta shared the real presence of Christ in the world.  “Of free choice, my God, and out of love for you, I desire to remain and do whatever be your Holy will in my regard.” Even in her darkest moments, she knew the LORD is near to those who call upon him in truth. She knew He would answer her needs.
He answers all our needs. He answers us so abundantly in mercy and grace that there is much left over. Pray that we as believers allow Him to answer our needs.
If you truly believe that Christ is in the Eucharist, you believe that you receive not only his body and blood, but abundant mercy and grace.
The mercy and grace you receive should not be wasted. For thus says the LORD, They shall eat and there shall be some left over. What we do with what is leftover is the real presence of Christ in the world.
Pray with and for others. Teach others about Christ. Share the love and communion with Christ by your life and what you do, how you work, the way you interact with family, friends, and community.  Bring Christ to the poor. Support charities in volunteering and financial support. Preach the gospel.
Share Jesus. "Gather the fragments left over, so nothing will be wasted."
Critics opposing Mother Teresa’s sainthood said her intention was not to help people; she wasn’t working to alleviate poverty.
Her answer, “I am not a social worker. I don't do it for this reason. I do it for Christ...” 
Mother Teresa’s intention was Christ. She brought Christ to the poor and the dying by respecting the dignity of who they were. In sharing the real presence of Christ, Saint Teresa of Calcutta did more for the poor and dying than all who critiqued her.
There was a child who gave its meal to Jesus. 
Communion is sharing the real presence of Christ in this world, how do you live that?   
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel, sharing Christ in the way you live and love. Amen.

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