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Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Devil Pulls Your Toes - Reflection 25th Sunday OTB

Taking a child and putting his arms around it, he said, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”

When I was a  child, my mother told me to say my prayers or the devil would come and pull my toes while I slept. There was truth in her words.  I am 57 years old and I still cannot sleep with feet out from under the covers.
Friends, we are made my God for good things. One of the good things we are made for is to be a Church of powerfully holy people. Holy people live as Jesus taught, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
That is not what most tends to do. Most don’t want to be told what they do is wrong. In all their malice, they would rather argue who or what is the greatest.
If we are good and holy people, we fight evil. We recognize what is wrong and hold people accountable. We share the gospel, because evil does not like Jesus’s words.
The wicked say: he is obnoxious to us; he sets himself against our doings, reproaches us for transgressions of the law and charges us with violations of our training.
Evil has invaded the Church in some. It grows in the secrecy, ineptitude, unaccountable, and lackluster preaching and teaching. Manifest in our midst, evil robs many of their faith. It must be confronted.
But this evil is nothing new, St. James wrote Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.” It sounds familiar.
The humanity of the Church is wounded and hurt. The scandals of abuse and cover-up make want to run from the Church and in doing so, many will loose their faith. Abuse and cover-up is sinful, evil and wrong; but, it is not a reason to run from God. 
The holy people of God realize all that has happened is an attack of evil on the Church. They stand strong who follow the LORD.
These must pray for the healing of the battered Bride of Christ: O God, by your name save me, and by your might defend my cause. Haughty men have risen up against me, the ruthless seek my life; they set not God before their eyes. God is my helper; the Lord sustains my life. Freely will I offer you sacrifice; I will praise your name, O LORD, for its goodness.
We pray because, despite all our human weaknesses, God has entrusted us, the people of His Holy Catholic Church with the gospel of Jesus Christ; the good news that He comes to rescue the world from sin and death.
As a people searching for holiness, we still need God’s priest that were given to us and empowered by Jesus to bless us and place the body of Christ on our tongues. That is enough to ignite hearts and strengthen shoulders to carry the burdens of this world.
The faithful are challenged. We are challenged by scandals and the encumbrance of living in a toxic and often evil culture. In this challenge, the Catholic Church needs priests and laity willing to travel the path of holiness to heal from the darkness of sin and broken trust.
Becoming holy is not instantaneous but is growing in the wisdom from a lifetime of humility and a willingness to suffer. Wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits…
It is hard for us and priest to realize this holiness and wisdom.
That is how the devil sneaks into our rooms. He pulls our toes to make us think that by human scandal the Church will fall apart.
Friends, in God’s grace and by faith realize is that the Church is not the clergy but each and every holy one of you. The clergy and rest of the world need to realize that as well.
“Whoever receives one such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”
Pray for our Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, and our Holy Father Pope Francis. Pray for the Church, the powerfully holy people that bring Christ to the world.
God created us for good things. The devil knows and is trying to sneak in to pull our toes.
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel of a powerful holy people of God, by the way you live and love one another. Amen

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