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Monday, April 2, 2018

A Journey - Homily Easter Vigil 2018

Tonight we heard the story of salvation history from the beginning to the empty tomb. All of it is pointing to Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
We, also, come tonight to witness three more stories in salvation history. Tonight, we introduced to the stories of Taylor, Desirae, and Scott, three young people that come seeking baptism or communion and confirmation. Their stories will add to salvation history despite a world where more and more people are turning away from God and religion. 
These young people found a relationship with the risen Christ when others say they can no longer believe. These in disbelief give three reasons: science, apathy for God/faith, and suffering.
Salvation history is the unfolding of God’s inspired telling of His perfect plan so an imperfect humanity can understand. People argue they cannot find God in science and there is no science in this history.
God’s building blocks is what we imperfect human call science. The clay that God created us from is all that came before us. The argument against religion and church is often by science. But, it is the church that has always maintained knowledge. It was the church that established universities when there was none. It was the church that began hospitals.
Most great scientific discoveries began as a search by religious believers (priests, monks, and other religious) into the mystery of life and God.  Scientist and priest like Copernicus, Mendel, Grimaldi, Conye, and others developed theories and made discoveries in genetics, heat, light, electricity, volcanoes, and fossils. They studied the stars and proposed the big bang. These people of faith trying to understand God brought the world science..
Do not dumb down your faith. The division between science and faith is made by people who say God cannot be proven by science. But, my brothers and Sisters, the mystery of God is what has proven science.
In these readings are arguments for God and Jesus Christ. The Bible points to Christ and salvation from the very first words. If you believe in the risen Christ, God the Father, and the Church shout it to the world. 
But, many fail to bring the story outside the walls of the Church. That is apathy to God and faith. It is the “whatever” attitude that infects the world. In that attitude, most have lost everything but a vague and jaded understanding of God. 
People are not apathetic on politics, sexuality, thoughts on marriage, and life choices. In expressing those ideas, society is not quiet. However, most lack debate and argument; instead proselytize these issues with profanity, name calling, and bully tactics.
Believers are called to witness God to the world. For Christians, this witness is the goodness and love realized in the Christian life. It is a witness that can get the attention of the world. With a Christian heart, preach the Gospel by the way you live and love.
A third reason people question God is suffering. The experience of illness, violence, catastrophe, and all types of tribulation in the world makes people ask why. They say “I pray to God and God does not answer my prayers!”
Atheists argue against God saying that there is no magic genie in the sky that grants wishes. I agree. I hope that is not the God any of us believe.
Our prayers are not a magic incantation to make God perform for us. Prayer draws us closer to God. That is where healing happens. That is where our suffering is given to our God who suffered for us.
Jesus on the cross cried out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me.” It is a cry of all who suffer. Jesus did not cry out from a physical pain. It was a cry from the sin, hurt and suffering of all humanity and all time that flooded onto him.
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, does know our pain and suffering. He died for us.
Why does suffering exist? Created in the image and likeness of God, we are given freedom. Like all of creation in freedom is our nature. It was in that freedom Jesus was crucified. Those who crucified him were created in the image and likeness of God.
Freedom is the opportunity to discover our image and develop our likeness. We will stumble and fall.  Yet, throughout the suffering, crisis, and tribulations of life, we are always held inside of Love. Love is the very nature and shape of God.
Taylor, Desirae, and Scott and this entire family in Christ must always remember that our lives will be filled with challenges like science, apathy, and suffering. At the same time, our journey of faith will have mountains of awe, valleys of surrender, and paths of prayer. It is a journey that leads us to the empty tomb. The empty tomb that proved Jesus Christ is who he said he was; and, proves who we are.
Go into the world, be good, be holy and preach the Gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

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