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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Fisher's of Men - Homily - 1st Friday April Mass & Adoration

Christ reveals himself to Simon Peter and the other disciples when they went fishing. With the guidance of one they did not recognize they caught many fish.
Standing on the shore, Jesus tells them “Bring some of the fish you just caught.”
At that time, they realized it was the Lord. They didn’t need to ask, “Who are you?” It was the same Jesus who told them, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
The net had 153 large fish. Even though there were so many fish, the net was not torn. The number is very specific and there is a reason.
One reason is the 154th fish got away.
The 153 represented all the known species of fish. Since the apostles are to be fishers of men, the catch became a symbol of a fruitful mission as fishers of men. The apostles were to fish from all the nations of men.
The Lord then fed them breakfast. He broke bread. He gave them food to have the strength to go out as fishers of men.
That strength is seen in the Acts of the Apostles. When asked by whose authority did they heal the crippled man? The apostles proclaim "all of you and all the people of Israel should know it is in the name of Jesus Christ this man stands before you healed."
Few are called to be fishers of men. They are true believers who bring the gospel. It is through this Church of believers that Christ reveals himself. In that we too can become fishers of men.
Jesus feeds us what we need. He feeds us in the Eucharist, and by faith, and through prayer. In these we have the strength be fishers of men. Christ makes us fishers of men to witness to the world but starting right beside our boat.
Christ wants us to bring him that 154th fish, the ones that have gotten away.  The net that is Christ will not tear.
So, in goodness and holiness, be fishers of men.

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