John 20:1-10
“Christ is the everlasting today of God.” (Pope Francis) And, this is
the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad.
The Gospel tells us, Mary, Peter, and the disciple Jesus loved ran and discovered
an empty tomb with the burial cloths lay neatly aside.
They saw and believed; but, didn’t understand. Do you know what they did
next? “They went home.”
Father asked me what Easter means to me. It’s about home. Today, as we renew
our baptismal vows, think about some spring cleaning.
Not your house; instead, the home that is your heart. The heart is where
we don’t understand; because, it can be full of anger, prejudice, and bias.
Deacon, not me, I’m not like that. That is called pride.
Sometimes, we go there. Our hearts can become polluted by self-centeredness.
St. Paul calls that - old yeast and we are to get rid of it.
So, seek what is above. Think of what is above. Understand his glory.
With a clean heart, maybe we can understand. Jesus died for all of us; rose
from the dead for all of us. The tomb was empty and He is alive in the world,
for all of us. “Christ is the everlasting today of God.”
This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia, alleluia
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