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Sunday, May 12, 2019

What Shepherd Do You Follow - Reflection Good Shepherd Sunday/Mother's Day

Today is a special day, we celebrate our mothers. (Happy Mother’s Day)  It is also Good Shepherd Sunday; a Sunday where we pray for the Shepherds of the Church. I think it is appropriate that they are on the same day.
Our mothers are our first shepherds. They teach us the ways to go. They shape us into who we are in life and ultimately influence us in  our vocation. Mothers are the first to teach us about God. For many, they are the first to teach us to pray. No matter  Bishop, Priest, Deacon, religious brother or sister, or someone called to married life, all were born to a mother. Being a mother is the noble vocation of being for many our first good shepherd. 
This Sunday we give thanks and pray for all our good Shepherd’s in life.
There are those who try to steal us from the Good Shepherd.
Prayer has been taken from our schools. The Ten Commandments are banned from our courthouses and public venues. Public officials will not take their oath of office before God on the Holy Bible.
You see, not everyone wants to hear and understand or believe the Good News.
So I would like each and everyone to think about this and decide, What Shepherd Do You Follow?
Paul and Barnabas went to Antioch and the whole city turned out to hear the word of God. Those who should have believed were filled with jealousy and violence against what Paul said.
Today, the whole world can hear the word of God and the world is filled with jealousy and violence against what is proclaimed. 
The ones that should be the first to hear that word and believe are the ones turning from God. Like Paul and Barnabas, we should speak boldly the word of God. The world needs to hear it.
Those who should hear are our political, social, and business leaders. Many of them have rejected it or corrupted it for their own purpose. They see themselves as gods. They want to change the world and make all of us over into their desired image. It is an image of worldly morals and culture to benefit of their agenda and pocket books.
In fact many of these leaders see themselves shepherds to the salvation of the world.
Those who should hear the Good News is religious leaders, ministers, preachers, priests, and pastors of all faiths and denominations. It is those who say they serve God but instead exploit the trust of others with lies, abuse and cover-ups. They take advantage of their position for their own agenda and reputation.
Again, many see in themselves the shepherds and the salvation of the world.
Those who should hear the word of God are the ones who identify themselves as believers but do not to worship God but instead seek entertainment.
Baptism becomes a game. Communion is a party. And, sadly for them, the Blessed Sacrament is not the real presence of Christ.
They question Jesus and all He taught. They re-interpret God’s word for their agenda. Being nice and kind is enough; but, it is not enough.
This corruption of faith and worship is seen by many as the salvation of the world. In that belief, they fall for the deception of the devil.
Those who should hear the Gospel first include each and every one of us.  Like sheep, too many hear the voice of the popular world and follow the wrong shepherd.
What shepherd do you follow?
If we are truly Christians we will follow only one voice.  Jesus said: My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.
If we are the people, the sheep of his flock then No one can take us from him.
Shake the dust of all that is not of Christ off your feet in protest to the world. Prepare yourselves in this time of great distress. We stand before God’s throne and worship him day and night by who we are in this world.
Hearing the His voice and following His word, God has made us to be a light and instrument of salvation to the world.
What shepherd do you follow?
Janet and I are preparing an interfaith couple for marriage. She is Catholic. He was raised in a Buddhist home; however, he has lived all his life among Christians.  
He said I know there is a God, I see him in my life.
He wants to know about Jesus. He wants to raise his children as Catholic Christians and be able to answer their questions.
To learn, he is going to a Bible study with friends. He asks questions of faith, not as an antagonist but an inquisitor. The reason he wants to know more comes from the example of faith in his fiance and friends.
He requested a Catechism and I offered him further guidance.  All I can do is follow the shepherd to lead others to the life-giving water.
Happy Mother’s Day, pray for our Bishops, priests, deacons, and religious.
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel lead others to the living water by the way you live and love one another. Amen.

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