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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Love One Another; Homily 5th Sunday of Easter

(Readings) This was inspired by a blog I read.
We are sad Fr. Job is leaving. He has brought much comfort, joy, and peace. He has been here for a long time as our friend, teacher, and spiritual leader; but, do not let your hearts sink to the wrong place.
I heard someone said about Fr. Job’s move, “This must be how disciples felt when Jesus let them.” That may be near blasphemous, but, I know how they feel.
Friends, we have never lost Jesus. And, the impact of Fr. Job on each one of us, our family of faith, our community, and the entire area will never be forgotten.
Yes, we love Fr. Job, who has given us a true example of love, a love that is a pattern of selfless service and sacrifice found in the gospel: Jesus’ way of love.
Jesus told his disciples that all will know they are disciples by the love they show for one another. “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.”
Sounds simple enough; but, these words of Jesus will turn the world upside-down. Fr. Job sharing Jesus’s way of love has turned this corner of the world in northeast Louisiana upside down.
Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Love your enemy. Love your spouse. Love your friend. Love your bus driver, your mailman, your pharmacist. Love everybody.
Just love.
The truth that love is the answer is easier said than done.
Loving your enemy is  difficult when faced with hatred and anger. The devil will throw these at all who try to love the way Jesus taught and to bring that love to others.
St. Paul tells us, love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”
For those reasons, love really is the answer. The love Jesus taught led him to wash feet and led him to the cross. It is more than just words and warm fuzzy feelings. It is selflessness, sacrifice, and service. 
How are we to live in Way of Love that Jesus asks of us. Fr. Job’s ministry is an example.
This is us what I have learned over the past 16 years working with Fr. Job's ministry: Seek Jesus, find abundant life, know freedom, find and know love.
One of Father's constant messages has been this: Seek Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No matter how hard a minister works or sacrifices or loves, it is Jesus who has the power to change lives and to change the world for good. Follow Jesus is to follow love. It is a choice we must make over and over again.
By seeking Jesus, we find abundant life. It is not the abundance of riches, or power, or status that the world seeks. It is an abundant life of grace, knowing joy, peace, and generosity that we abundantly share with others. In that abundance is a life of meaning, given back to God and lived for others.
Another lesson is that in Jesus’ love we find freedom. It is a freedom from the powers of this world that want us to live in fear, sin, oppression, and division. These are the things that pull us from God created and keep us from being dignified, whole, and free.
And once we have found and know all these things, then we can find love and know the way of love that Jesus taught. To know God’s love, to love and be loved by others, and to love ourselves.
Fr. Job’s ministry has been as Jesus commanded, “Love one another, as I have loved you.”
Fr. Job’s ministry is a selfless love of sacrifice and service to others. It was a model of courage, passion, and stamina for lifting up the lowly and lifting up each and every one of us.
He showed us Jesus’ love; a love that is good and a love that is true. It leads us to put others before self.
For 16 years, Fr. Job encouraged us to be more than just “passable” Christians. How many of us pass as Christian on how we one another?
Be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live and love one another. Amen

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