Mercy will have mercy,
Mercy generously, Filling
creation - Mercy is
Force continuing eternally.
At dawn, fill us with
Mercy, at dusk Mercy
Mercy will have mercy on which Mercy will
have mercy
Atonement is Mercy; mercy filled
reconciliation with Mercy.
Forgiving sins is Mercy
found in a sacrifice. Mercy
happens between Mercy and creation.
Mercy is rich in creation,
made alive in an unmerciful death.
Mercy reprisal withheld
consequences for our humanness.
Mercy will have mercy on which Mercy will
have mercy; Mercy
we do not deserve.
Mercy is not getting
what you do deserve. The withheld punishment
is God's
goodness. This is mercy.
Funny, that mercy draws
sinners to
Mercy. Yet mercy pleases true
Mercy. Infinite, wonderful,
Taking Mercy for granted
humanness. Ungrateful sinners
by Mercy sweetened infiniteness;
holiness without mercy is
not Mercy.
Mercy will have mercy on whom Mercy will
have mercy; Mercy that
a chosen purposeful
disorder in creation
does not deserve.
All the mercy in creation derived
from Mercy is free. Mercy
given for merit is not mercy.
Creation, polluted never earns mercy.
Nothing earns Mercy;
nor forces it. Mercy cannot be made to love
Mercy loves us even in our disorder.
Mercy will have mercy on which Mercy will
have mercy; Mercy that
a chosen purposeful
disorder in creation
does not deserve
any consultation or
Mercy is an overflowing
Mercy; infinite eternal,
believe in Mercy. Trust
in Mercy and imitate
Mercy by coming to the aid of a neighbor.
Find rest in Mercy.
Mercy - consultation and comfort,
prayer. Mercy
forgiveness and bearing
wrongs patiently. Without Mercy
what does life profit?
Have mercy on those who doubt. Too
bad to deserve,
mercy given by Mercy
rejected by self.
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