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Monday, July 28, 2014

Christian Flash Fiction: Marbled Victory

WinnerEvent #17 - Length:  200-250 words - Prompt: Genesis 36:7

Their possessions were too great for them to remain together; the land where they were staying could not support them both because of their livestock.
"Marbled Victory"
By WEGoss2

The battle remembered, Ovid. I played with tigers like Augustus if Caesar had tigers.

A battlefield etched deep in the earth, surrounded by a circle of combatants. Every eye was on victory and the spoils. The fight was always for keeps and challenges were thrown across the field. Battle cries rose and fell. Eventually knuckles and knees carried evidence of the fight. The advantage changed courses, each side changing, gaining and loosing.

The fallen taken away as future servants and soldiers.

The generals’ bodies always showed true witness to the nuances of battle. Every warrior scarred their knuckles for victory. Volley upon volley was sent onto the field. Explosions witnessed in swirls of glass. Peaceful round coolness shattered by the aggressor. It was always a thing of enormous beauty contrasted against the starkness of the dirty dirt.

In time, the pearls were won. The devil’s eye vanquished. The field once littered with casualties of bone and glass would be picked clean. In memory, fingers honored the fallen, the captured, and the victims of the battle.

Marbles were soldiers. But, these are things of memory.

Now, the world is held in techno-prisons. The field is blown clean. But to those who remember, the circle still calls in a distant voice of a once lived youth. Childhoods lived in a playground ring drawn in amateur and once frequented by Caesar.

Every honorable warrior knows that when you loose all your marbles, you must move on.

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