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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happiness, Wisdom, and Blessings: A Reflection 17th Sunday, Ordinary Time A

Happiness, Wisdom, and Blessings: A Reflection
17th Sunday Ordinary Time, A
By Deacon Bill Goss (reflecting on the Readings & thoughts of others)
God calls us to happiness, wisdom, and blessings.  Many times we answer that call by looking in the wrong place. We look to the pleasures of the world, but are we happy? Does all the wisdom of the world make us happy? Does being blessed make us happy? Do we really think that the poor of spirit would be blessed, that the meek would be blessed? 
This week they announced the happiest cities in the US.  The top 5 are in Louisiana.  Louisiana is also the happiest state. It doesn't mean that people are happy. This week, I was in Alexandria and read an article in the Town Talk Newspaper. It asked people what made Alexandria such a happy place. Most of the people interviewed said Alexandria was not a happy place. There is nothing to do, Not enough high paying jobs, Alexandria was not big enough or sophisticated enough, etc. etc. Alexandria could not be happy because it's not the ideal of perfection.
Remember the story of the rich young man that wanted to follow Jesus. Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”  When the young man heard this, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”
The man of the gospel parable finds the treasure and he hides it again. It belongs in the field and he can only own the treasure if he owns the field. The man goes off in joy, really, really happy. Can you imagine the smile on his face and the bounce in his step as he goes off to sell everything he owns so he can buy the field and have the treasure?  Everything he owns!
The difference in these two stories is the answer to unhappiness. Like the rich young man, maybe our unhappiness is because God is calling us and we can’t answer.  If we think God is not the answer, we substitute things that will never make us happy.  Maybe money will make us happy but can I take even one dollar to heaven? (Take money from pocket and show it)
Maybe we think that what we buy can make us happy.  Will this truly make us happy? Maybe some other sin makes us happy. Can sin really make us happy? These are crutches that makes us forget our troubles.  When we loose that crutch or it fails us; all our troubles come back and are multiplied.  Then we have to find a new happiness to buy or another crutch to feel happy.
All we get from this temporary happiness is guilt. If it’s big sin some fail to realize God’s mercy and think God will never forgive them. It keeps us from happiness.  It turns into hate or waste or addiction or all of the above.  To many, it becomes who they are. Their life’s crutch becomes their treasure. 
Two separate people tell their story.  
  • One was raised in a Church, but has serious problems including a substance addiction. Ask that person, they will tell you, I am smart, educated, attractive, and from a wealthy family; but, in the past I did something so bad that no one will ever forgive me. God could not possibly forgive me.  
  • The second person says they know God. They pray constantly. Ask that person, they will tell you, I am an average person, not overly smart, not beautiful, not educated.  I work for an hourly wage. I know  that God has forgiven me; but, something I did God will never forgive.
Can either be truly happy?  
It was from guilt that rich young man left Jesus in sorrow.  Jesus told him to give it away.  We can give it away to Jesus, the one who has already forgiven each of us; Jesus who purchased all our sins with his sacrifice.  Then we are like the man who sells all his has for the hidden treasure.  Draw closer to God, the only source of genuine happiness.
We can draw closer by asking for wisdom. Solomon was blessed because he prayed and asked only for an understanding heart. Our hearts become understanding when we seek this blessing. The blessing of wisdom to answer God's call and claim the treasure.  
It may be a wisdom found in the blessings of the beatitudes:
  • Blessed are the poor in spirit,
  • Blessed are the meek,
  • Blessed are the pure of heart
In these, the human heart is humbled to the point that nothing stands between us and God.  In these blessings, our treasure is our happiness; the happiness of a relationship with God, through Christ Jesus.
We are all God’s creation and are truly happy in God. If you take a fish out of the water to sing to it, the fish will not be happy. If you put a fish in a chair to relax and watch TV, it will not be happy. But, put that fish back into the water, the fish will be happy and live.
It is the same with us. God created us to be happy in God. God is love, total love which is true happiness and joy.  God loves us even if we have not yet discovered that love.
God loved the world so much that he gave his only son for us. Only Jesus has shown you this much love; by his sacrifice.
One of the people interviewed in the Alexandria Newspaper article did say Alexandria was a happy place. His reason was his Church.  He said his church and community would be hard to find in another city (A blessing.) 
That man knows that true happiness is found in blessing that allow us to be close to God: God who is the source of joy and happiness.  

Jesus calls us to draw closer to him finding the treasure and happiness he promises; Hear his call by spending more time in prayer.  

Happiness, wisdom, and blessings are found in the treasure Christ offers to all. Our personal unhappiness may be a sign that God is calling and we are not answering that call? 

Is the world (Hold up the money again) making you happy?  

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