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Friday, July 4, 2014

Liberty and Justice for All

Reading 1: AM 8:4-6, 9-12Responsorial Psalm: PS 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131Gospel MT 9:9-13

Today is Independence Day, a day when we celebrate liberty and justice for all.  But what is liberty and what is justice? 

Liberty is being free from unfair restrictions.  Liberty is respecting a person dignity.  In Catholic and Christian social teachings dignity is respect of the human person.  Our dignity should be based on the image of God that is in each and every person.  This is truly the foundation of all liberty. 

Justice is giving to each what is that person’s due.  To establish true justice, the issues that cause injustice must be addressed.  True justice is responding to the source of the problems, making sure that all have access to the same resources, opportunities, and potential.  

So as a country on Independence Day, we are celebrating the liberty of dignity and justice for all.  All, who are one in Christ; an all that includes those who are not like us.  All have different gifts, different talents, and different abilities. All of us are to use our gifts to help one another. All make up the body of Christ.   

Today we live in a country that wants to give everything to those who are poor. There will always be poor, widows, orphans, and the sick.  These are the ones who truly need to be supported by society.  Happiness however cannot be truly found with out realization of human dignity and justice.

Trying to make people happy through dependence is not the gift of dignity or justice. The prophet Amos warns about making people dependent.  He calls this "trampling upon the needy."  Amos accuses,  "We will buy the lowly man for silver, and the poor man for a pair of sandals;"  

It is the same today.  We feel guilty and give thinking we bring justice.  It is not only in bread that we find our existence.  It is not in the sacrifice that brings dignity to the poor but the mercy we show by working for justice for all.

Christ and his disciples sat at the table and ate with the tax collectors and sinners.  Christ recognized that these were the people who needed him.  Maybe today, the tax collectors and sinners need to recognize they still need Christ.   The tax collectors and sinners that are our leaders should realize that they are not the cure but seek the divine physician. 

If the dignity of liberty and justice to prevail then we cannot buy it.  It must be a gift that we give.  The gift of Christ that is in us shared with all.  The gift of God’s grace that is in the world shared with others.  

Lord God, 
On this Independence Day, we pray that God’s love and compassion is shared in our country; by leaders who lead with mercy and neighbors who have compassion. 

May the mercy and compassion of Christ’s love exist in us, so that in you Lord, our country goes beyond the sacrifice trying to buy happiness to true mercy that is a dignity of liberty and justice for all.  Amen. 

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