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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rise and Walk

Act 3:6
Peter said, “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, [rise and] walk.

Each of us has a gift that the Holy Spirit brings us.  Each of us is a part of the body of Christ that is the Church. Never underestimate the gifts you have. Your gifts may allow others to realize their gifts. The gifts that the Holy Spirit allows us to rise and walk.

I have friends who are great ministers but they don’t know it. I see their ministry when they share their insights on God. It is amazing, people who feel unworthy to share because of their perceived situation can give me more than all my books. These folks just sit back and listen to God speaking to their hearts. Their insights are simply put but can be so profound. They can carry some of the greatest gifts.

I went through my entire deacon training learning to be a competent minister. This included lectures on helping people in times of trouble. A lot of time these lectures left me with questions. A friend of mine who is a good Christian, husband, and father and drives a tractor all day put being a good minister in perspective for me.  “Sometimes I want someone to hold the bucket that I pour my troubles into and not pour them back out on me.” 

Maybe its simple gifts like a shared word or an act like listening that makes a person rise and walk. 


Lord Jesus Christ, send your truth to our hearts and pour into us the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we may bring the merciful healing of your presence to those in need. Amen

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